Calculating the steady-state operations of profile gas pipelines with high and ultrahigh pressures


  • M. Lurie


differential equations, equation of state, gas pipeline “South Stream”, high and ultra-high-pressures, Joule- Thomson coefficient, numerical algorithm, profile of the gas pipeline.


The pipelines, the working conditions of which are significantly different from the conditions of the majority of the existing
systems are considered in this article. In this article, the gas pipelines with large difference in elevation that operate at high
(5–15 MPa) and ultrahigh pressures (up to 25–35 MPa) are taken into the account. First of all, deep and gas pipelines that
overcome the high mountain passes are considered. The theory and algorithm for calculating the steady-state operations of such
pipelines are presented.


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Author Biography

M. Lurie

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas;
65, prospect Leninskii, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Lurie, M. (2014). Calculating the steady-state operations of profile gas pipelines with high and ultrahigh pressures. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBON POWER ENGINEERING, 1(1), 30–35. Retrieved from